Boost Mental Health in Seniors

Helping older adults feel healthy and happy can at times be challenging.
Depression and mood fluctuations can be associated with aging, but this does not mean that an older person is bound to develop mental health issues. Keeping the older person engaged in activities that keep their mind strong and their spirits elevated can work wonders.

An art project, assist with cooking, peel potatoes, mix something, fold socks, or working in a garden by planting seeds. Any activity that gains interest, keeps the person engaged may work wonders in preventing the feeling of being useless.

Our care providers created this Home Care Agency with the insistence that Skilled Nursing always be available to help identify the subtle nuances of aging, thus ensuring the best outcomes for patients and their families.

Let Home Health Care, Inc. help you care for the ones you love.

Call us at 707-538-0679 today to discuss your unique needs and concerns or to schedule your FREE in-home assessment.

Home Health Care, Inc.
4983 Sonoma Highway, Suite E
Santa Rosa, CA 95409