The Great American Advantage Plan

I am so tired of seeing all the ads for Medicare Advantage plans. The insurance companies are once
again forced to use whatever venue will work to satisfy their unrelenting efforts for an empire built on

Insurance companies do not promise the individual more benefits without taking something
away. They call you on the phone, advertising by using old, retired actors, comics or anyone who can
provide a convincing argument for their product. We are also to blame as we do not check out what
they are saying as long as, we get something for nothing.

I checked out one of these companies that advertises a dental plan included in their package. They will pay $200 towards a crown and the Patient has a co-pay of approximately $2,500. What a deal! If you break a hip and need to be in a skilled nursing facility for rehab the advantage program will allow you 11-day stay, where the original Medicare
program will allow a 26-day stay.

With Medicare, the facility staff determines whether you are safe to go home, the advantage plan has someone on their office staff who comes to see you to decide whether you can go home. Please read this article and you decide if buying an advantage plan is right for you.

Sharon Grinnell