Safety first tips!

Due to the growing popularity of in-home care for seniors, its crucial to ensure your loved one is safe. Caregivers should use these tips about safety hazards and adjust the home accordingly.

General Safety

  • In addition to lifeline or like system, use a buddy system for daily check-ins to promote socialization and prevent feelings of isolation.
  • Keep a fire extinguisher on every floor. Ensure all smoke and carbon monoxide detectors have fresh batteries and are in working order.
  • Never smoke alone or while in bed.
  • Always take your time to rise slowly from a sitting or laying position to find your balance.
  • Wear properly fitted shoes or slippers with grips provide walking traction.
  • Use a correctly fitted cane or walker.
  • Consider removing unnecessary mats and throw rugs.
  • Do not wax floors. Clean spills immediately.
  • Avoid using ladders and never stand on or use a chair as a ladder.
  • Ensure all staircases have adequate lighting with switches at both top and bottom.
  • Consider having all indoor and outdoor railings checked for sturdiness.

Bathroom Safety

  • Always have a light on in the bathroom at night.
  • Consult with an occupational therapist to ensure the bathroom has all recommended bath aids and properly secured railings.
  • Skid proof the bathtub and make sure the bathmat has a non-slip bottom.
  • Clearly mark hot and cold faucets.
  • To avoid burns, turn the hot water heater to 120˚ F or below.
  • Try to bathe only when help is available.

Kitchen Safety

  • Keep floors clean and uncluttered!
  • Keep work areas properly illuminated.
  • Clearly indicate “on” and “off” position on appliances with bright bold colors.
  • Store sharp knives in a block or rack.
  • Store heavier objects at waist level.
  • Store hazardous cleaning items away from food and dishes.
  • Make sure your refrigerator is cleaned out often and food is rotated correctly.

Medication Safety

  • Clearly label and properly store medications.
  • Read and reread labels in good lighting to ensure you are taking the right medication.
  • Properly dispose of expired or unused medication to avoid mix up.
  • Never use another person’s prescription medication or allow others to consume yours.
  • Use a mediset to avoid confusion and ensure you are taking the right meds at the right time.
  • Check with your doctor or pharmacist before taking any over the counter drugs.
  • Review medication periodically with your doctor or pharmacist.