How the New Law Effective October 14 Affects You

new-lawWe lost our petition with the Department of Labor. The Supreme Court refused to hear our complaints concerning the classification of Live-in Caregivers and their overtime. As a result, a new law becomes effective Oct 14, 2015.

So how does this affect you?

  • All caregivers must be paid overtime for any hours that exceed 8-9 hours.
  • No caregiver can work over 40 hours per week.
  • Live-In shifts are strictly limited to a maximum of 48 hours or 2 days worked per week.
  • Sadly, this forces us to increase our rates to $675 per day or per 24 hour period as our costs are increased with this new law being imposed.

If you choose to hire a private caregiver, please know that the law applies to ALL caregivers and ALL employers looking to hire one.

Unfortunately, the Department of Labor has NOT considered all the ramifications of this new law. It is part of the “share the wealth” mentality prevalent in the country at the moment.

We foresee several undesirable outcomes

  • The individuals who should be benefiting from this are the caregivers, and yet this bill is doing the opposite by causing them to lose shifts and potentially limit their income.
  • Our senior community is adversely affected by making the cost of in-home care skyrocket and it will interrupt the continuity of care for the person in need.
  • In response to this new law, we are forced to re-evaluate your caregiver’s schedules in order to be compliant.

Please call us with any questions or concerns, and we will do our best to accommodate your needs and the needs of your loved one as this transition takes place.

Also, remember that our voices matter. Please write or call your congressman to request that they develop a better solution. One that does less harm and more good.